Friday, March 11, 2011

Hull Sides Cut Out to Shape and Fiberglassed

Today, I finally cut out the hull sides after laying out the lines on the plywood. I cut about 1-2" more on the front bottom so I can match it to the exact shape of the existing bottom of the boat.
I then fiberglassed, with fast hardener, the interior side of the hull sides and also put on a second layer of fast curing epoxy. If you look closely at the photo where the epoxy has already been applied, you can see what appear to be dry areas. That photo is before I added the second layer of epoxy, so they are covered pretty well now.
I have pretty much decided to cold mold a second 1/4" layer of plywood on the sides after these sides have been installed. After doing a couple of break test on the 1/4" plywood, I found it broke way to easily, from what I expected anyway. If I add a second layer, it will only add about 30 lbs. to the boat, but the sides will be so much stronger.
6 hours


  1. Would 1/2" been to thick to make the bends?

  2. I've really enjoyed your journal as I'm preparing to start my perfect 10. Thanks Todd.
